Arizona Desert

Acrylic on dimensional panel, 19x21x5”, 2021


About this work:

This piece is an exploration of light through a prism and of the golden ratio. It is based on an image that I took by pressing my phone’s camera lens against a trichroic (a.k.a. x-cube) prism, and positioning the camera and prism in such a way that I was able to photograph another of my works, Parisian Swimwear, through it. I then took highly accurate measurements of all sides at the front and base of the panel, and found the primary anchor points for the composition based on the quotient of the length of each side divided by the golden ratio. I then repeated this process to find all secondary, tertiary, and quaternary anchor points.

The color in this work was based on the colors found in the reference image, with some interference colors used throughout, so that the work changes color based on the viewer’s proximity to the work and the ambient light in the room.



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